BTS2021: Emergency Procedures


During any emergency, students must follow the instructions of their teacher or other adult supervisor. Check out the Disaster Preparedness school website for more information.

The fire alarm is a series of loud buzzer sounds. Students are to leave the room quickly and quietly, following the instruction of the teacher in charge. If the fire alarm sounds while students are out of class, students should immediately exit the building areas to the main quad or P.E. designated area and locate the teacher of their next class. Students must follow the instructions of any adult supervisor during a fire or other emergency.

Civil Defense – Lockdown
The civil defense alarm is a 30-second ringing of the bell system. Students are to remain quiet and are to follow the instructions of the teacher. If the civil defense alarm sounds while students are out of class, students should report immediately to the nearest classroom and follow the instructions of the teacher.

At the first sign of ground movement (or the instructions of the teacher) students should seek cover under or near desks, chairs or tables and facing away from windows. Students should remain under protective cover until instructed otherwise. Students should not attempt to leave buildings until instructed to do so. If evacuation is necessary, their teacher or other adult supervisor will take students to a predetermined area. Following an evacuation on campus, parents who wish to pick up their children must check them out at the checkout station on the sidewalk at the front of school.

If an earthquake occurs during passing periods, students should stay away from buildings and other structures. When ground movement stops, students should evacuate to the designated area of their next class.